Bone health

Release time: 2021-10-25 14:47

  Bones are the hard tissues in the human body that support the body and protect the internal organs. For example, the skeleton provides a framework to support our body to keep it firm and upright. The bones are like attachments to muscle groups. They are like levers to contract and stretch muscles. It is these important muscle attachments that help us walk, Running, squatting, and standing, the bones also protect our vital organs from harm. Imagine how many vital organs are protected under our ribs, and under the skull protects the head-like brain organs. So since bones are so important, then we must pay attention to the health of bones. Only healthy bones can provide the best protection for the body.

  When it comes to bone health, the mineral "calcium" is naturally indispensable. Calcium is the main component of human bones and teeth. Calcium is also an important substance involved in many physiological functions of the human body. Calcium is not only a guarantee of our bone health, but also related to us. The health of every part and every stage of the body. Infants and young children are in the period of calcium deposition. Pregnant women are in the stage of gestating fetuses in urgent need of calcium nutrition. After middle age, calcium begins to be lost, and a series of problems such as osteoporosis are prone to occur. Therefore, calcium supplementation is very important for the formation and health of our bones. important.

  Then you need to choose products with high dissolution rate and high absorption rate for calcium supplementation, so that calcium ions can be fully absorbed by the body, which can effectively supplement your bones and maintain your bone health. At the same time, combine healthy diet and moderate exercise to escort your bone health!