Immune health

Release time: 2021-10-25 14:56

  Immunity is a defense mechanism of the human body to maintain the stability and health of the body. As we all know, low immunity makes it very easy to get sick. A good immunity is a natural barrier against diseases. Having a good immunity is the first step to gaining health. When the human body is infected by bacteria or viruses, the immunity will fight against it. If the immunity is low, the bacteria and viruses and immunity will have the upper hand in the fight, and the health of the body is prone to problems, so the immunity of the body is the key to health. .

  Immunity is the foundation of health and plays a very important role in human health. However, as the body degenerates with age, immunity will also decline and various diseases will appear. If you catch a cold continuously and it will be very serious, it will take a long time to recover; it is easy to get tired, often feel that you have no energy, feel weak and unable to do everything; if you are injured, the wound will be easily infected, and it will be easy to swell and become inflamed. , You need to increase the amount of medicine to cure; the function of the gastrointestinal tract becomes weak, and a little careless diet will cause intestinal discomfort and many other symptoms will appear.

  It is imperative to improve immunity and maintain immune health. First of all, proper supplement of minerals and vitamins every day can strengthen the body’s resistance to external aggressions, thereby enhancing the body’s immunity. Vitamin C (also known as L-ascorbic acid) is very important for the immune system. It is a water-soluble vitamin. It is a nutrient that maintains the normal function of several enzymes. It also has a high degree of reduction and has anti-oxidant physiological effects. It can increase the ability of phagocytic cells in the body and increase the body's disease resistance. In addition, adhere to physical exercise, ensure adequate sleep, regular diet, and maintain a good mood are also helpful to enhance immunity and maintain immune health.